Greetings, I am certain everyone has some belief how rural churchs have reflected and defined this country. As the landscape changes, people move, pass away, lose interest it takes a great asset with. Those assets are the stories and memories that may or may not have been shared. Sacred Heart Church has been a landmark and an anchor for 96 years. And the people that witnessed its rising are likely down to a handful. I know of only one 99 year-old that may or may not have recollections of the earliest years. There will be an attempt to gather her stories and thoughts. The present generation is also looking for a tranformation aswell. The Sacred Heart Foundation has been in place since April of 2012. Its purpose is to solicit donations for the restroration, renovation and preservation of the Sacred interior space. The scope of the project has not yet been determined, and the amount raised will help in that determination. I don't tell all this as an effort to raise funds, but if you have an interest I will privately discuss that possibility.
My ask in this post is to recover the stories, photographs, and history. Understandably, not many photographs were taken in the earliest years. It wasn't the correct or proper thing to do. But wedding photos are a great asset. Even pictures of the interior looking towards the entrance, with the grand choir loft and pipes from the organ.
The biggest ask would be the stories. We have some church history. But more about the builders, brick layers, carpenters, and those that planned the Chuch. Maybe it is someone that moved away that has information we are seeking. Even the minor things, current on my mind is where do the rain spouts drain to? I know the water goes to the storm sewer, but how? If you have anything to share please message me.