Vatican City - Visit Vatican City - the Holy See. News Services, Picture Museum, Archives, The Roman Curia, The Holy Father and more!
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have a web site that has much information about the Catholic Faith, as well as the daily and weekend scripture readings that are proclaimed at Mass. You can also find much information there regarding the celebration of the liturgy. Find the daily readings here
Diocese of Winona - The Diocese of Winona was established on November 26, 1889, when Pope Leo XIII issued the apostolic constitution which erected the Diocese and set its geographical boundaries. The diocese encompasses the 20 southernmost counties of the state of Minnesota and measures 12,282 square miles of some of the Lord's most beautiful country -- bordered by the Mississippi River to the east and the Dakotas to the west.
Area Churches
Southwest Minnesota Churches - A contemporary church directory to research, locate and manage churches of all denominations in southwestern Minnesota.
The Catholic Registry - The Catholic Registry a perspective on the news of the day as seen through the eyes of the Magisterium. We assist Catholics in engaging the culture with confidence in the saving and sanctifying Gospel of Jesus Christ
Catholic Courier - The Catholic Courier provides news, information and commentary about the Diocese of Rochester, the Roman Catholic Church, and issues that affect each in order to credibly inform the Catholics of the Diocese as well as others, thereby advancing the mission of the Diocese of Rochester.
Catholic News Service - Catholic News Service, serving since 1920 as a news agency specializing in reporting religion, is the primary source of national and world news that appears in the U.S. Catholic press. It is also a leading source of news for Catholic print and broadcast media throughout the world.
Catholic Culture - A chief provider and curator of Catholic information on the web since 1996.
The Catholic Encyclopedia - Proposes to give its readers full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine.
EWTN - Website where you can watch the channel and find many articles and links to Catholic items. There is also an app available for the IPhone and other devices.
Relevant Radio - Network of Talk Radio stations for Catholics. Includes links to owned and operated stations plus affiliate stations.
Nursing Home Abuse Justice - Nursing Home Abuse Justice was founded to expose the widespread abuse and neglect that occurs in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Some statistics indicate that as many as 1 in 3 senior residents have been victims of nursing home abuse. Our mission is to educate seniors and their loved ones of these horrors so that we can work together to stop the cycle of abuse harming our seniors.