SacredHeart Heron Lake
The first known Catholic settlers came to what is know Sacred Heart Parish of Heron Lake in the early 1860's.  Heron Lake is a small farming community in southwestern Minnesota.  Our church was built in 1920 and in 1989 was placed on the national register of historic places.

The history of Sacred Heart Church is reflected in the homily from Father Andrew D. Olsem on August 7, 2009.

This Church breathed in and breathed out.  Some people say the building takes their breath away.  The souls of the people of Sacred Heart exhaled love. 

If the walls could speak, what would they say?  Windows displayed the seven Sacraments, but the people live them.  If the walls did speak, we would hear them tell of birth, forgiveness, eucharist, people confirmed in faith, matrimony, healing, priesthood and death to new life.  People of Sacred Heart were, are, and will continue the Word of God.  Families become the Church in miniature.  There were 125 years of sermons-homilies preached, more importantly lived by those who listened. 

This church building endured deterioration, cracks, breaking, in the need of constant maintenance and renovation.  The people of Sacred Heart in body and soul knew of the same.  People welcomed the elevator to elevate themselves so they might more readily witness the elevation of the body and blood of Jesus on the altar.

How many candles gave light to moments in prayer?  More importantly, how many people were leading to prayers of thanksgiving.  Thanks for the past, present, and future to come. 

Whenever anyone comments on the beauty of this building, invite them to visit the living people of Sacred Heart.  Invite them to the cemetery to pause in silence.  These people had "the Heart of " the Sacred Heart of Jesus the Lord.  And so do we!

In this section you learn of the history of not only the building, but the people who made our church what it is today.

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