SacredHeart Heron Lake
Tri-Parish Mass Intentions
You are invited to pray the rosary 1/2 hour prior to masses.
Wednesday (11-27)
9:00 am  -  Heron Lake
† Joe & Alice Salentiny
Thursday (11-28)
9:00 am  -  Brewster
For the People
Friday (11-29)
9:30 am  -  Sogge Home
† Joan Bregel
Saturday (11-30)
5:00 pm  -  Brewster
† Robert, Howard and Mary Damm
Sunday (12-1)
8:00 am  -  Heron Lake
For the People
10:00 am  -  Windom
† Donald Hoppe
Tuesday (12-3)
5:30 pm  -  Windom
† Leo & Arlene Bartosh
Wednesday (12-4)
9:00 am  -  Heron Lake
† Intentions of Eugene & Kathy Walter
Thursday (12-5)
No Mass
Friday (12-6)
9:30 am  -  Sogge Home
† Ed Grunewald
Saturday (12-7)
5:00 pm  -  Brewster
† Laurie Haberman
Sunday (12-8)
8:00 am  -  Heron Lake
† Clair & Bernadine Haberman
10:00 am  -  Windom
For the People
Know that our pastor includes all of us in his daily prayers and private Mass intentions.
If a Mass is cancelled, our pastor will include that scheduled Mass Intention at his private daily Mass. If you prefer it be rescheduled, please let your respective parish office know.
An Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.

Mass and Faith Formation have been canceled for Sunday, January 14th. St. Francis Xavier will still be having 10 a.m. Mass in Windom on Sunday.

Adoration Schedule
Sunday December 1st 11:00-12:00
Saint Francis Xavier Church Windom
Saturday December 14th 4:00-4:45
Sacred Heart Church Brewster
Christmas Mass Schedule
12/24 - 4:00pm - Sacred Heart Church Brewster
12/24 - 6:00pm - St. Francis Xavier Windom
12/25 - 9:00am - Sacred Heart Church Heron Lake

Mankato Area Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation
Jan 25th. St. Thomas More Newman Center, Mankato - To register, go to:
At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God's own love and concern.
Mother Teresa, Love: A Fruit Always in Season
Weekly Words from The Rock:
The New...
Back in 2018, I had to make a decision. My 2004 Chevrolet Silverado clicked the odometer at 300,000 miles. My goal had been reached. What a pickup! We had traveled far and wide together. Rain, snow, sleet and sun, we had driven through it all. I thought about keeping the pickup with the dream of perhaps 400,00 or even 500,000 miles. My only difficulty was the pickup was beginning to nickel and dime me to death. In the shop one month only to call the shop again the next month. Thus, the decision was made. It was time to purchase a new vehicle. I knew I needed another pickup. Why? Two reasons.
  1. When you have a fishing boat which is eighteen feet in length, you need something with pulling power.
  2. Because of my hunting trips, I also needed something with some capacity to hold decoys, boat oars, etc...
I called around to various dealerships and finally settled upon a new 2018 Chevy Silverado. It is the pickup I drive to the present day.
Many people like trading vehicles on a far more frequent occasion than me. I don’t like going through the hassle of trading so I keep driving my vehicle year after year. I dream my current vehicle could stretch to 500,000 miles. Pipe dream? Perhaps, yet I like to hope. There is a sense of excitement in purchasing a new vehicle. One thing being everything is new-a new engine, new transmission, new tires. Still, I never lose sight of the smell of a new vehicle. Open that door for the first time and the smell is nothing but “new”. You wish that smell would never dissipate but with time, it always does.
Today marks “the new.” It’s a new liturgical year-the Year of Grace 2025. The season which marks the new, is that of Advent. Think of the unique story of the church seasons. We have:
  1. Christmas speaks to us of the birth of our Savior and his epiphany to the world.
  2. Lent is a forty-day, forty night journey of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It prepares us for the Paschal Mystery.
  3. Easter is the season of glory and victory. Jesus Christ is risen and ascends to the right hand of the Father. The Holy Spirit is poured forth on Pentecost to mark the beginnings of your Church.
  4. Ordinary Time journeys us through the gospel stories challenging us to live the gospel.
  5. And Advent, it is about preparing ourselves for the story of God becoming man.
I would really encourage us in the days ahead to not lose sight of the call of Lent. To pray, fast and give alms is something which can mark our Advent journey. How?
  1. Pray-Pray that the peace of Jesus Christ reign in our world. Our world is very divided. Our country is very divided. It is only the Prince of Peace who can establish peace.
  2. Fast-The season can be about getting and giving. We get gifts. We give gifts. We are blest as people. Is there something we could fast from this season? Our language? Our impatience? Each of us should challenge ourselves to become better, holier people.
  3. Almsgiving-Be charitable this time of the year. I always give something to someone less fortunate. They appreciate it and I feel better about myself.
May God watch over us this Advent and may our new liturgical year find us filled with grace and peace.
Blessings to you!
Father Peter Schuster
First Sunday of Advent: You are asked to utilize the Advent Confession times during Adoration in Brewster and Windom to prepare yourself for the coming of our Lord. See the adoration schedule above. An Expanded Confession time for Heron Lake is at 7:00 AM on Sunday December 15th before Mass.
Vocation View: The Lord is near! Am I able to read the signs of the times? What is God asking of me? (Luke 21:25-36)
Second Collection: There will be a 2nd collection on Sunday December 8th for the Retirement Fund for the Religious/Catholic University.
The Collection raises funds for retired religious and helps religious institutes realistically assess their current retirement needs and implement planning, further educating religious institutes to allocate assets realistically and develop educational tools, programs, services and resource materials that enable religious institutes to address retirement wisely.
The Collection also underwrites scholarships to assist financially deserving students in completing their education at CUA in over 50 disciplines.
There will be Confession available 1/2hour before mass on Sundays.
The Angel Tree Program names have been distributed. Please have all unwrapped gifts to the rectory by December 15th. Thank you!
THANK YOU for your generous donations of $1355.58 to the Baby Bottle Campaign! The gifts you provided will continue to impact the lives of new and expectant parents throughout the coming year. Thank you for supporting the gift of Life!
Greeters: Looking for volunteers to greet parishioners as they enter for Sunday Mass. Please reach out to Melanie in the office or sign up on the sheet in the back of the church if interested! THANK YOU!
Office Closed: The office will be closed from December 25th through January 5th. Please get all end of year contributions to the office by December 23rd. Thank you.
No Faith Formation: There will be no Faith Formation classes on Wednesday, November 27th or Sunday, December 1st.
If you have not sent in your donation for the Catholic Ministries Appeal, please do so. Sacred Heart's goal is $9,629. We are at $8,940. Anything over that amount comes directly to the church. You can send it in directly or drop it in the offertory basket. CMA donation envelopes are at the entrances of the Church. Please give your fair share. Thank you.
Liturgy Roles for December/January are available. Looking to become more involved in church? Please contact Melanie if you are interested.
Eucharistic Revival News: The Year of Mission
Carlos Acutis, an Italian computer-coding teenager who died of cancer in 2006, is known for his great devotion to the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. He is a patron saint of the Eucharistic Revival. Pope Francis announced Wednesday that Blessed Carlo Acutis beloved for his vibrant faith and witness to holiness, will be canonized during the Jubilee of Teenagers at Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano which is held April 25-27, 2025. Carlos Acutis is remembered for saying: “People who place themselves before the sun get a tan; people who place themselves before the Eucharist become saints.” Pope Francis encouraged young people to imitate Acutis in prioritizing “the great gift of the Eucharist” in his message for the upcoming diocesan World Youth Days last weekend, on the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (Christ the King Sunday).
The Catholic Ministries Appeal offers a unique opportunity for you to give back to the God of Love, from whom all things are given. Grow closer to Christ by doing your part to build up the Kingdom of God in southern Minnesota.
You may also give online at:
THe Synod / Advent Bible Study:
The Synod Fathers desire that the divine word ‘be ever more fully at the heart of every ecclesial activity’ (Verbun Domini,1). The gate to Sacred Scripture should be open to all believers. Every opportunity for the study of Sacred Scripture should be made available. The Scripture should permeate homilies, catechesis and every effort to pass on the faith. In consideration of the necessity of familiarity with the word of God and for the spiritual growth of the faithful, the Synod encourages dioceses, parishes, small Christian communities to continue serious study of the Bible and Lectio Divina, the prayerful reading of the Scriptures. (taken from cf. Dei Verbum, 21-22)
Many people change address, email and phone numbers and we don’t have correct information for our parishioners. Please share your information with us so we can keep communication up to date.
On a piece of paper please put your name, new address, new phone and new email address. Then please turn in to the Parish Office or drop in the Sunday Collection. Thank you
If you would like a registration form for your parish, contact the parish office of your church.

Christmas letter from Lisa Kremer OFS of the Worthington Deanery

click here to view the PDF

Please remember to check the back page of the bulletin and support our sponsors!
Facebook Page
Please like and share our Facebook page. The page is intended to connect current parish members and members that have moved with the activities of Sacred Heart Heron Lake.
New Parishioners
We welcome you into God’s family! If you are interested in learning more about our church, or would like to join, please stop in the Parish Office.
Please notify the Parish Office of any change of address.
Marriage Preparation
Contact the priest 6 to 12 months in advance of the date of marriage to fill out the forms, to do FOCCUS Test and to attend Marriage Prep Mentoring sessions. Fr. Pratap is seeking married couples who are practicing Catholics, and have children, who would be willing to volunteer to help prepare our engaged couples for marriage. Please contact Fr. Pratap at 507‑226‑4536, or your parish office, if interested.
Baptism Preparation
Contact the parish office a month in advance to fill out the form and to attend Baptism Mentoring Sessions. All Baptisms will be celebrated during Mass.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation still available by appointment for each Parish.